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2025-01-29 7:56 CET, Europe, Germany | Investment Management | Press release

Catella’s fund platform sells office building in Luxembourg for the Fund ‘Sarasin Sustainable Properties - European Cities’

Catella Real Estate AG (CREAG), from January 1, 2025, forming Catella’s new format of fund investment platform together with Catella Investment Management GmbH (CIM), sold the approx. 8,961 sqm office property ‘Rue de Bruyeres 60’ in Howald, Luxembourg, on the south-eastern edge of Luxembourg City, for the fund ‘Sarasin Sustainable Properties - European Cities’. CIM is the advisor of the Sarasin Sustainable Properties - European Cities Fund with Catella Real Estate AG providing the German KVG platform.

Developed in 2021 by Lafayette, the SHOW office building comprises approx. 8,961 sqm of lettable space spread over 6 floors, including 2 underground parking levels with a total of 104 parking spaces. Thanks to its contemporary L-shaped design, the property blends in with the modern architecture of the neighbourhood. Outside, the building is surrounded by elaborately designed outdoor facilities and a green inner courtyard. The building features numerous ecological measures, such as energy-efficient triple-glazed windows, LED lighting, integrated sun blinds, a rainwater utilization system and 10 charging stations for electric cars. Thanks to the high ESG-standards in the project development, the building was certified BREEAM ‘very good’ upon completion.

The ‘Rue de Bruyeres 60’ property is centrally located in the municipality of Howald, which merges seamlessly with Luxembourg City and is currently developing rapidly from a traditional industrial and retail location into a flourishing mixed-use neighbourhood. The immediate proximity to the A3 motorway and the new railway station provide access to Luxembourg City's tram and tram-train system.

CREAG was supported by Catella IM Benelux B.V.(CIMB) on transactional advisory. Stibbe, Drees & Sommer and Deloitte advised on legal, technical and tax matters on this transaction.

Jaime Sarrà, Senior Investment Manager at CIM, mentions: ‘After a holding period of four years, the SSP Fund managed to obtain stable cash flow for this property since acquisition. The Fund was able to profit from positive capital gains, which in turbulent times for the office market is highly appreciated by investors.’

 Ralph Willems, Senior Acquisition Manager at CIMB, adds: ‘Luxembourg has proven once again to be a strong office market within Europe attracting solid occupier’s demand for financial and public entities. We will keep monitoring Benelux markets for new acquisitions, especially within the logistic and residential sectors, being both highly sought-after asset classes by investors nowadays.’


About the ‘Sarasin Sustainable Properties - European Cities’ fund

Sarasin Sustainable Properties - European Cities is a fund advised by Catella Investment Management GmbH in cooperation with Bank J. Safra Sarasin AG. The cooperation with Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd. with ESG-goals was launched back in 2011 and thus played a pioneering role in European property investments with ESG-focus. The fund is geared towards institutional investors in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. The sectoral target allocation of the portfolio provides for at least 75% to be invested in commercial property. Up to 25% each can be diversified into residential and logistics properties. Each property must comply with Bank J. Safra Sarasin's AG ESG-standards.


About Catella Investment Management GmbH (CIM)

Catella Investment Management GmbH (CIM) is an independent and entrepreneurial real estate investment advisor for funds and mandates with assets under management of approximately EUR 10 billion. As a subsidiary of the Stockholm-based Catella AB, CIM  advises more than 25 mutual funds and special real estate funds as well as several mandates across 15 European countries, with a focus on residential, mixed-use, parking, and logistics properties. CIM provides (advisory) services in research, portfolio management, acquisitions, disposals, and asset management. The company operates offices in Berlin, Munich, and Vienna.

Catella IM Benelux B.V. (CIMB) is a subsidiary of Catella AB. CIMB offers advice regarding fund, acquisition- and asset management for Catella-managed funds as well as for third parties with an allocation in the Benelux region. CIMB has been operating in the Benelux since 2015 and with its extensive knowledge of the markets and local expertise is a specialist in all aspects of real estate including unlocking the inherent value in distressed assets. CIMB currently advises about €2.0 billion in assets under management.


For further information:

Catella Investment Management GmbH

Stine Zöchling

Head of Marketing and PR

Office: +49 (0)30 887 285 29 76

Mobile: +49 (0)151 544 51 005



Catella IM Benelux B.V.

Ralph Willems MRICS 

Mobile: +316 28945516




Further information can also be found on the website at



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