The city of Mönchengladbach and Catella have presented the urban development concept for City East today. The Swedish company is planning the construction of 1.500 apartments and various commercial units on the 15 ha ground close to the main station. In total there are ½ a billion Euros to be invested. For this concept the development plan procedure is said to be conducted after taking of decisions by the city council on 15th February.
In the next years a new urban district with various different types of usage is going to emerge right in the heart of Mönchengladbach. Besides gastronomy, recreational facilities and surfaces for service providers, there are going to be payable and attractive for all ages and types of income. A lake is going to be the heart and the unique feature of the district and it will give the urban location a special flair for living, working, relaxing, sport and culture.
„As a city in awakening we are looking forward to a development at the location City Ost which can compete with other European examples. At this example the quality of our urband development strategy mg+ growing city becomes visible and tangible", explains Dr. Gregor Bonin, technical planner of Mönchengladbach.
Rendering City Ost
„Mönchengladbach is very interesting as an invesment location. A growing city in the middle of the agglomeration of NRW. Already a few years ago, locations were on our minds which function as mobility-HUB – a main station offers ideal requirements for urband and sustainable districts. Our project Grand Central in Düsseldorf with ca. 1000 apartments is a perfect example for that", Klaus Franken, managing director of Catella.
"The first apartments are said to be moved into, before the airport BER opens", promises Klaus Franken and turns up the pace. A development plan procedure needs its time, but the changes around the main station shall be visible as soon as possible. Catella already collected positive experience with the project in Düsseldorf. 60.000 visitors at over 100 events in just one year – why not in Mönchengladbach too? "The joyless abandoned area shall be activated and made accessable as soon as possible to make aware of the location that will be one of the most important urban developments of the city in the upcoming years", promises Klaus Franken.
The area of City Ost is in Mönchengladbach close to the main station. Over 1.500 new apartments and a range of new jobs shall emerge here. Catella is the last company in competitive tendering procedure.
Catella Project Management GmbH
Klaus Franken
Kaistraße 18, 40221 Düsseldorf
+49 211 9099 35 10
City of Mönchengladbach
Dezernat Planen, Bauen, Mobilität, Umwelt
Technischer Beigeordneter Dr.-Ing. Gregor Bonin
Markt 11, 41236 Mönchengladbach
+ 49 2161 25 8010