7 oktober 2019, Sverige | Nyheter
Historisk avkastning är ingen garanti för framtida avkastning. De pengar som placeras i fonden kan både öka och minska i värde och det är inte säkert att du får tillbaka hela det insatta kapitalet.
Catellas förvaltare Anna Strömberg gästar DI TV och bjuder på hållbara aktietips som t ex Novo Nordisk, Sweco, ÅF och SCA.
Catella Fonders Anna Strömberg gästar dagens Placera TV för att prata om hållbara investeringar. Anna förvaltar Catella Sverige Aktiv Hållbarhet. I programmet berättar hon om vilka teman och aktier hon investerar i och vilka aktier som exkluderas från fonden.
Här hittar du klippet från intervjun med Anna.
Investments in fund units are associated with risk. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in a fund can increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will get back the full amount invested. No consideration is given to inflation. The Catella Balanserad, Catella Credit Opportunity and Catella Hedgefond funds are special funds under the Swedish Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (SFS 2013:561) (AIFM). Catella Sverige Aktiv Hållbarhet and Catella Småbolagsfond may use derivatives, and the value of the funds may vary significantly over time. The value of Catella Sverige Index may vary significantly over time. Catella Avkastningsfond may use derivatives and may have a larger proportion of the fund invested in bonds and other debt instruments issued by individual national and local authorities and within the EEA than other investment funds, in accordance with Chapter 5, Article 8 of the Swedish Investment Funds Act (SFS 2004:46). Catella Nordic Long Short Equity and Catella Nordic Corporate Bond Flex may use derivatives and may have a greater proportion of the funds invested in bonds and other debt instruments issued by individual national and local authorities and within the EEA than other investment funds. For more details, complete prospectuses, key investor information, and annual and half-yearly reports, please refer to our website at catella.se/fonder or phone +46 8 614 25 00.