At the beginning of the year, Catella Fondförvaltning AB (Catella) made a decision to coordinate the management of Catella Hedgefond and Catella Nordic Long/Short Equity into a single team. This was to increase synergies and to take another step towards an even more market-neutral and well-diversified management style.
There is an increasing demand and need for more modern management of fund portfolios with a broad allocation mandate in equities, bonds and alternative assets. Catella has successfully managed Catella Balanserad for many years, resulting in a good risk-adjusted return. One major reason is that the strategic allocation includes hedge management in the portfolio. Catella is now taking the next step and enhancing the team that manages Catella Balanserad.
From April, we are setting up an Investment Board consisting of portfolio managers experienced in equities, fixed income and macroeconomics. The Investment Board will coordinate Catella's macro assessment and other market assessments that form the basis for the tactical and strategic allocation in our allocation funds. The Investment Board is headed by Head of Portfolio Management Thomas Elofsson, who will also take on overall responsibility for our fund allocation mandates.
"In today's low-interest environment, we expect the historically diversifying properties of fixed-income investments to be considerably lessened, and alternative investments will instead become a natural part of allocation products," says Thomas Elofsson.
Thomas Elofsson has extensive experience of both strategic and tactical asset allocation from previous employers and, in his role as Head of Portfolio Management, follows both the macro economy in general and the actions of the central banks in particular. This is central input for the allocation decision between shares, fixed income and alternative assets. Centralising the allocation decisions ensures greater consensus regarding positioning in different asset markets and, above all, with regard to the decision to overweight or underweight shares.
The management responsibility for Catella Balanserad and the three allocation funds managed on behalf of ICA Banken (ICA Banken Varlig, ICA Banken Måttlig and ICA Banken Modig) is formally transferred on 1 April 2019 to Thomas Elofsson and Henrik Holmer. Henrik Holmer has many years of experience in managing several different products and is already a co-manager of Catella Sverige Aktiv Hållbarhet and Catella Småbolagsfond, as well as the lead manager for Catella Sverige Hållbart Beta. Henrik Holmer can therefore ensure efficient execution and coordination with the management of the other funds.
More facts about the funds can be found at
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Sales by emailing or by calling +46 8 614 25 40
With kind regards,
Catella Fondförvaltning AB
Erik Kjellgren, CEO