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Share capital

Registered share capital amounted at 31 December 2020 to sek 177 million (173) distributed among 88,348,572 shares (86,281,905). The quotient value per share is sek 2. Share capital is divided among two share classes that carry different voting rights: 2, 530,555 Class a shares that carry five votes per share, and 85,818,017 Class b shares that carry one vote per share.

An extraordinary general meeting resolved to issue warrants and 2,066,667 warrants were exercised in March 2020 to subscribe for an equal number of new shares at a price of sek 7.40 per share. The new Class b shares were issued in April 2020 through registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) and entry in the share register kept by Euroclear.

At 31 December 2020 , the parent company had a total of 3,000,000 outstanding warrants, all of which were held in treasury. Upon full exercise of the 3,000,000 warrants, equity in the company will be diluted by 3.3 percent and voting rights by 3.0 percent. No Class b shares were converted to Class a in 2020

Please refer the the website of the Swedish Tax Agency for information and a complete history of Catella's shares.

IR Contact


Michel Fischier

Direct: +46 8 463 33 86
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