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Catella European Student Housing Fund I

  • Investments in selected European student housing markets
  • Core markets Germany, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK)
  • Satellite markets such as Italy, Spain, Scandinavia and Poland
  • Fund is already closed

Fund Facts

Target return BVI5,5-6,5% p.a. (Base Case), 6,0-7,0% p.a. (Best Case)
Geographical distributionEurope
Real EstateAccomodation for students
Investment styleCore
Target fund volume (Equity)EUR 240 million
Fund duration10 years
Fund launchMay 2013
Minimum investmentEUR 5 million
Legal structureReal estate special fund according to German law (KAGB)
Investment Management CompanyInstitutional Investment Partners GmbH
Open for capital commitmentsNo

Investment Strategy


The information and data are provided on a voluntary basis and may not be sufficient or suitable to support an informed investment decision without further explanations and additional information, in particular the relevant sales documents of the investment fund (e.g. sales prospectus, key investor information). It is therefore recommended that investors also read the sales documents carefully before making an investment decision and, in particular, consult their investment advisor and tax advisor if they have any questions.

Contact us


Michael Fink

Managing Director
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Sebastian Auer

Head of Client Relations
Direct: +49 89 189 1665 256
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Nico Pohlmann

Senior Sales Manager
Direct: +49 89 189 1665 268
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Daniel Simon

Institutional Sales & Business Development Manager
Direct: +49 (0)152 388 48 113
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