Special Funds
Core / Core+ Investments at selected Nordic target markets.
Catella Scandia Chances is a Product of Catella Real Estate AG in Munich. The fund caters specifically to the needs of institutional investors. The fund is only approved for acquisition by legal persons.
The investment universe is the Scandinavian countries Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. In addition to the regional diversification, the product is characterized by a sectoral diversification in the segments offices, retail, logistics and to a lesser extent in properties with other types of use.
For more information, please contact office@catella-investment.com directly.
The information and data are provided on a voluntary basis and may not be sufficient or suitable to support an informed investment decision without further explanations and additional information, in particular the relevant sales documents of the investment fund (e.g. sales prospectus, basic information sheet). It is therefore recommended that investors also read the sales documents carefully before making an investment decision and, in particular, consult their investment advisor and tax advisor if they have any questions.