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Catella MAX

Property Investments in the Munich metropolitan region

The Catella MAX fund invests in the economically strong metropolitan region of Munich. Preference is given to central locations and attractive developments. Depending on the type of use - including residential, office and retail - strategies are identified in which investments are prioritised.

The aim is to achieve a high degree of diversification in terms of building type and tenant structure, which is reflected in the economic structure of the target region, at least in the commercial sector. There is also the opportunity to invest in development and restructuring projects.

In line with the sectoral diversification, the fund invests in existing residential properties in the mid-price category and in new construction projects in the residential sector in attractive neighbourhood developments. In addition, the fund focuses on small and medium-sized office properties in good locations with medium to high standards and, where possible, small-scale lettability. City centre retail space, possibly also with restructuring and re-letting requirements, as well as other uses complete the sectoral diversification.

Investment Opportunities


Investment Risks

  • Munich Metropolitan Region investment market: Bavaria stands out as the leader in economic performance and quality of life among the German states based on various factors.
  • Broad diversification in terms of building type and tenant structure.
  • High fund occupancy rate and fixed loan interest rate leads to stable net income in the coming years.
  • Achievement of stable returns through professional asset management.
  • Interest rate risk with regard to debt financing and liquidity investments.

  • Limited return options due to legal deadlines.

  • Property-related risks such as valuation, outstanding rental payments, occupancy rate.

  • Completion of construction projects may be delayed or more expensive than assumed at the start of construction.

Fund facts

Minium Investment Amount 10.000 EUR
Clearstream Compliance Yes
Fund Launch 24. February 2010
Fiscal Year 01. June until 31. May

Historical development


Date of DistributionDistribution per unitTax-free portion (for units in private portfolios)
2 September 20240.48 EUR-*
1 September 20230.45 EUR-*
1 September 20220.65 EUR-*
1 September 20210.40 EUR-*
1 September 20200.40 EUR-*
30 October 20190.15 EUR-*
2 September 20190.29 EUR-*
3 September 20180.18 EUR-*
22  December 2017 0.07 EUR12.54%
12. September 20170.31 EUR51.38 %
1. September 20160.37 EUR48.64%
1. September 20150.40 EUR49.58%
1. September 20140.27 EUR52.07%
2. September 20130.32 EUR32.59%
3. September 20120.33 EUR32.88%
1. September 20110.37 EUR26.38%
1. September 20100.04 EUR 2.86%

* The investment fund meets both the formal and the material requirements of section 20(3) sentence 1 no. 1 of the InvStG (in the version applicable since January 1, 2018). German private investors can therefore claim a partial exemption rate of 60% on distributions. 


The information and data are provided on a voluntary basis and may not be sufficient or suitable to support an informed investment decision without further explanations and additional information, in particular the relevant sales documents of the investment fund (e.g. sales prospectus, basic information sheet). It is therefore recommended that investors also read the sales documents carefully before making an investment decision and, in particular, consult their investment advisor and tax advisor if they have any questions.

Contact us

Munich Office

Direct: +49 89 189 16 65 0
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