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Catella European Logistics Fund Plus

Real estate investments in selected locations for logistics properties in Europe.

With the launch of the special fund "Catella European Logistics Fund Plus (CELF+)", Catella Real Estate AG starts the second logistics fund for professional and semi-professional investors. The open-ended real estate special fund "Catella European Logistics Fund Plus" invests primarily in warehousing, distribution, logistics and transshipment properties in Europe. The fund aims to achieve a balanced mix of new or as-new logistics properties in attractive logistics locations. The pan-European strategy distinguishes between focus and satellite regions. Catella pays special attention to the regions in which its own units and expertise are represented (the Catella Group is active in Europe with 25 branches in 12 countries). The fund takes into account environmental characteristics as defined in Article 8 of the EU Disclosure Regulation. The fund has a target volume of around EUR 500 million.

For more information, please contact directly.


Investment Opportunities

Investment Risks

  • Logistics: Established and sought-after type of use, high growth rates and rising volumes.
  • Attractive yields can still be achieved in the logistics sector compared to other types of use.
  • Good future prospects due to currently continuing excess demand for space in the logistics segment.
  • Achievement of stable yields through professional asset management.
  • Interest rate risk with regard to debt financing and liquidity investments.
  • Limited possibility of return due to legal deadlines.
  • Property-related risks such as valuation, outstanding rental payments, occupancy rate.
  • Completion of construction projects may be delayed or more expensive than assumed at the start of construction.


The information and data are provided on a voluntary basis and may not be sufficient or suitable to support an informed investment decision without further explanations and additional information, in particular the relevant sales documents of the investment fund (e.g. sales prospectus, basic information sheet). It is therefore recommended that investors also read the sales documents carefully before making an investment decision and, in particular, consult their investment advisor and tax advisor if they have any questions.

Contact us

Munich Office

Direct: +49 89 189 16 65 0
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