Good governance, compliance, and risk management are an integral part of a transparent and sustainable approach, as well as being the foundation of good business ethics. Our Code of Conduct governs the group policy framework and defines our responsibilities and how we work.
We follow several international declarations, conventions, standards, and guidelines. These include the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Global Compact. Additionally, we are signatories of the UN Principles on Responsible Investments (UNPRI).
Most importantly, we continue to build our group and the products we offer based on environmental, social and governance aspects and thus grow and integrate sustainability into our business offering and processes. Our goals are:
Ensure the integration of ESG perspectives in property management, conversion and transactions
Counteract corruption and protect customer privacy
Ensure a sustainable supply chain
Principal Adverse Impact (PAI)

Catella Group acknowledges the responsibility of the real estate industry in the identification and mitigation of potential negative impacts on society and nature from its economic activities.
In alignment with this position, the company considers the negative impact an investment has on ESG issues in the selection and ongoing monitoring of investments. Our Princpal Adverse Impact Policy outlines how Catella Group identifies and prioritises these impacts on sustainability factors.
Governance - Conducting business with integrity and responsibility

Annual report
- We had no reported or confirmed cases of corruption during 2023
- We did not receive any complaints in relation to customer privacy from outside parties or regulatory bodies
- Read more in our Sustainability Report 2023

2021 Catella became a signatory of the UN principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and its six guiding principles. The aim of UN PRI is to promote the incorporation of environmental, social and governance factors into investment decision making.

Governance Framework
Our Code of Conduct is our ethical compass. It sets clear standards and expectations on how to act, and states clearly that doing business with integrity is a shared responsibility.
Our Code is the governing document of our governance framework.
Find a selection of our policies here
Need to whistleblow? Find the instructions here