Catella strongly believes that a key element to our continued growth and success is to invest in our employees’ development and enable stronger networks across the group. Through Catella Academy, we create an aligned culture as well as provide relevant training.

Next generation of leaders
The purpose of Catella Academy is to drive development through high quality training, enable stronger networks as well as identify synergies that create value within the organization. It is an important platform for our talent management and how we attract, develop, and retain employees, ensuring the individual and the company’s growth.

Diverse perspectives
At Catella, we have an entrepreneurial spirit. We want our employees to drive their own development to grow as individuals and contribute to Catellas business success. Through the Academy, we create a more aligned culture and values and a deeper understanding of our strategy as well as offering a platform for internal networking and collaboration.
The Academy welcomes all employees within Catella to apply, - no matter seniority or position within the group. We believe that a mix of senior leaders and younger professionals exchanging knowledge and perspectives create a healthy and sound platform for development. The Academy fosters our next generation of leaders and offers high-quality training such as executive leadership, corporate responsibility, decision-making, and feedback skills.
Catella Academy is conducted twice every year where the attendants have applied themselves. A board, consisting of representatives across the group, ensures that the Academy attendees are diverse employees. The board is overall responsible for reviewing all applicants and selecting the attendees for the Academy.
The purpose of Catella Academy is to foster development through high-quality training, enable stronger networks, and identify synergies that create value within the organization. The Academy is the link that makes us stronger - winning together.