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Catella bietet Immobilienvermietung und Vermietungsservice an, einschließlich Marktforschung, Mietpreisanalyse und Vermarktung.

Vermietung ist oft Bestandteil von Werbeaufträgen, um den Marktwert einer Immobilie zu steigern. Wir unterstützen Immobilienbesitzer bei Vermarktung, Verhandlungen und der Entwicklung einer Immobilienstrategie. Wir helfen Mietern dabei, ihre Anforderungen zu definieren, unterstützen sie im Entscheidungsprozess und während des gesamten Verhandlungsprozesses, bis zur Vereinbarung des Mietvertrags.


June 2024, FINLAND

Advisor to funds managed by OP in the sale of two modern logistics properties with a leasable area of 32,500 sqm in Tuusula


June 2024, FINLAND

Advisor to Ilmarinen in the sale of a modern healthcare property with a leasable area of 8,000 sqm in Oulu


December 2023, FINLAND

Advisor to ContiTech Finland in the sale of a development property in Tampere

11,000 sq.m.

December 2023, FINLAND

Advisor to Ilmarinen in the sale of a car retail property in Tampere

4,000 sq.m.

March 2023, FINLAND

Advisor to Senate Properties and SOK in the sale of an office and logistics property in Kuopio

15,000 sq.m.

August 2022, FINLAND

Advisor to private investor in the sale of a public use property in Tampere

1,770 sq.m.

December 2021, FINLAND

Advisor to Tampereen Asunnot Ky in the sale of three new residential properties in Tampere city centre

186 apartments

December 2021, FINLAND

Advisor to Ålandsbanken in the leasing of an office space in the Helsinki CBD

2,000 sq.m.

November 2021, FINLAND

Advisor to private investors in the sale of an industrial and warehouse property in Tampere

3,939 sq.m.

April 2021, FINLAND

Advisor to private investors in the sale of a logistics centre in Ylöjärvi

5,000 sq.m.

December 2020, FINLAND

Advisor to Työväen Opintorahasto in the sale of 32 apartements residential building and 5 retail premisies in Oulu


September 2020, FINLAND

Advisor to Senate Properties in the sale of approx. 5.000 sq.m. of office premises to a domestic investor in Helsinki

5,000 sq.m.

July 2020, FINLAND

Advisor to Varma in the sale of Kiinteistö Oy Kuntotalo in Oulu

5,500 sq.m.

June 2020, FINLAND

Advisor to Alasen Rakennus in the letting of an industrial property in Pirkkala

2,180 sq.m.

May 2020, FINLAND

Advisor to OP Life Assurance Company in the letting of retail and office property in Oulu

3,940 sq.m.

March 2020, FINLAND

Advisor to private investor in the purchase of an office property in Tampere

2,580 sq.m.

March 2019, SPAIN

Catella has advised hna (Hermanda Nacional de Arquitectos) on the letting of a retail unit to Panaria in Torre indocentro building (Méndez Álvaro - Madrid).

200 sq.m.

March 2019, SPAIN

Catella has advised hna (Hermandad Nacional de Arquitectos) on the letting of an office of 600 sq.m in Avenida de Europa, 2 (Madrid)

600 sq.m.

February 2019, FINLAND

Advisor to Medix in the sale of an industrial / office / warehouse property in Espoo

3,006 sq.m.

February 2019, FINLAND

Advisor to Alfred Kordelin foundation in the sale of a courthouse property in Seinäjoki

3,013 sq.m.

Catella has advised Ritual Cosmetics on the letting of a retail unit In Carlos III street (Pamplona).

170 sq.m.

January 2019, FINLAND

Advisor to Polaris Pensionsstiftelse in the sale of a residential property in Helsinki

2,600 sq.m.

December 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised the Italian restaurant group “FLAVIA” on the letting of a retail unit in Lagasca, 64 (Madrid)

465 sq.m.

November 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised Avohaus in the opening of its first restaurant. The retail unit will be located at Barquillo Street, 37 in Madrid.

85 sq.m.

November 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised Avohaus in the opening of its first restaurant. The retail unit will be located at Barquillo Street, 37 in Madrid.

85 sq.m.

October 2018, FINLAND

Advisor to OP Life Assurance in the letting of an office property in Helsinki

800 sq.m.

September 2018, FINLAND

Advisor to the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital district in the sale of 10 residential buildings and plots in Oulu


September 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised the fashion brand ba&sh on the letting of a retail unit in Serrano, 76 (Madrid)

125 sq.m.

July 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised the restaurant group Honest Greens on the letting of a retail unit with a GLA of 500 sq.m. The unit is located in Hortaleza 100, in the neighborhood of Chueca (Madrid)

500 sq.m.

July 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised Mexican fitness group on the letting of a retail unit in Fernando IV, 23. Fernando IV, 23 becomes the group´s first launch outside Mexican borders.

275 sq.m.

May 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised the restaurant GROUP LALALA on the letting of a retail unit in Ponzano, 5 (Madrid)

630 sq.m.

May 2018, FINLAND

Advisor to Tampereen opiskelija-asuntosäätiö TOAS in the sale of a residential property in Tampere

2,925 sq.m.

April 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised fashion brand JIMMY LION on the letting of a retail unit in Fuencarral, 69.

140 sq.m.

April 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised a family office (Invivas) on the sale of a retail unit to Arenal Perfumerías in calle Navarra, 3 (Bilbao)

2,500 sq.m.

April 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised Dr. Bloom on the letting of a retail unit in Fuencarral, 53

85 sq.m.

April 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised TEDi on the letting of a retail unit in Emilio Ferrari, 17. TEDi is a German non-food retailer with around 1900 branches in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Croatia

1,500 sq.m.

March 2018, FINLAND

Advisor to Logicor in the letting of production and warehouse premises in Tampere

16,755 sq.m.

March 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised Ecuadorian financial group PICHINCHA on the letting of a retail unit in Velázquez, 49 (Madrid).

1,000 sq.m.

March 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised footwear (espadrille) retailer Toni Pons on the letting of a retail unit in Calle Nueva, 22. Toni Pons dates back to 1942 in the footwear industry.

190 sq.m.

March 2018, SPAIN

Catella has advised the restaurant group LATERAL on the letting of a retail unit in Strachan, 5 (Málaga)

190 sq.m.

Kontaktieren Sie uns

Helsinki, Finland

Petteri Heikkinen

Director, Head of Sales and Letting
Telefon: +358 10 5220 360
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Oulu, Finland

Pekka Laurila-Harju

Sales Manager
Telefon: +358 10 5220 603
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Oulu, Finland

Mervi Loukusa

Sales Assistant
Telefon: +358 10 5220 601
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Turku, Finland

Sami Matara

Sales Manager
Telefon: +358 10 5220 402
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Tampere, Finland

Pertti Miettinen

Sales Manager
Telefon: +358 10 5220 456
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Tampere, Finland

Sami Saraste

Sales Manager
Telefon: +358 10 5220 455
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