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Bewertungen und Research

Catella Corporate Finance bietet qualitativ hochwertige Immobilienbewertung gemäß den international anerkannten Bewertungsstandards (IVS und RICS). Unser europaweites Netzwerk und unsere starke lokale Marktpräsenz verschaffen uns einen tiefen Einblick in die Wertsteigerungs-Faktoren von Immobilien und aktuelle Marktentwicklungen.

Als ein führender Immobilien-Unternehmensfinanzberater vereinen wir finanzielles Know-how und Immobilienexpertise mit unserer stark analytischen Vorgehensweise und bieten so Immobilien-Entscheidungsträgern einzigartigen Einblick und fachkundige taktische Beratung. Unsere Bewertungsdienstleistungen beinhalten:

  • Anlagenbewertung: Büros, Einkaufszentren, Gewerbeeinheiten, industrielle und logistische Lagerhallen, Hotels, Wohnbau usw.
  • Portfoliobewertungen: für Immobilienunternehmen, Entwickler oder andere auf Immobilien bezogene Unternehmen.
  • Marktforschung: Fundierte Kenntnis der verschiedenen Mikromärkte.
  • Machbarkeitsstudien: Bewertung der Erfolgsaussichten für jede Immobilienanlage.
  • Sorgfaltsprüfung: Komplette Prüfung aller Finanz- und Immobiliendaten eines Objekts.
  • Rechtsbeistand: Rechtliche Betreuung in Bezug auf Immobilienanlagen.


December 2023, FINLAND

Annual valuation of residential portfolios in Finland to LähiTapiola's funds

160,000 sq.m.

December 2023, FINLAND

Valuation of zonal pricing of residential, commercial and public plots to the municipality of Sipoo


December 2023, FINLAND

Valuation of multiple retail properties to Innovestor in the Helsinki region


December 2023, FINLAND

Analysis of Plan Development to the City of Nokia


December 2023, FINLAND

Valuation of several retail properties to Pirkanmaan Osuuskauppa in Tampere

41,000 sq.m.

December 2023, FINLAND

Valuation of health care portfolio to the City of Ylöjärvi

29,000 sq.m.

May 2023, FINLAND

Valuation of health care property to the City of Pori

26,000 sq.m.

December 2021, FINLAND

Valuation of zonal pricing of residential, commercial and public plots to the City of Ylöjärvi


December 2021, FINLAND

Valuation advisory services in Finland to Turun Teknologiakiinteistöt

150,000 sq.m.

December 2021, FINLAND

Valuation of office and industrial portfolio in Finland to Julius Tallberg-Kiinteistöt

100,000 sq.m.

November 2021, FINLAND

Valuation of zonal pricing of residential, commercial and public plots to the City of Tampere


October 2021, FINLAND

Valuation of a large industrial plot to the City of Kemijärvi

1,290,000 sq.m.

April 2021, FINLAND

Valuation of residential portfolio to Toivo Group for IPO

24 assets and 30 unbuilt sites

December 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of real estate portfolio of 41 sites in Finland to OP Tonttirahasto

100,000 sq.m.

December 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of residential portfolios in Finland to LähiTapiola's funds

140,000 sq.m.

December 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of real estate portfolio in Finland to Evli's Residential Fund

20,000 sq.m.

December 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of real estate portfolio in Finland to Aberdeen Property Fund Finland I Ky

235,000 sq.m.

November 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of a retail site property in Varkaus to the City of Varkaus

24,600 sq.m.

November 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of several properties in Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Pieksämäki and Tuusula to Keskisuomalainen

55,950 sq.m.

October 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of education and halls of residence properties in Jämsä to Jyväskylän koulutuskuntayhtymä Gradia

8,000 sq.m.

October 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of property portfolio in Finland to Ilmarinen

855,000 sq.m.

September 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of real estate portfolio in Finland to Turva Mutual Insurance Company

16,800 sq.m.

August 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of the zonal pricing of undeveloped plots to the City of Jämsä


June 2020, FINLAND

Valuation of a retail property in Vantaa to Hämeenmaan Kiinteistöt Oy

750 sq.m.

December 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of industrial and office properties in Tampere and in Turku to Sandvik Eläkesäätiö

26,800 sq.m.

December 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of care property portfolio in Southern Finland to Eteva

49,000 sq.m.

September 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of an industrial property in Varkaus to Sumitomo

34,400 sq.m.

June 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of property portfolio in Finland to Ilmarinen

820,000 sq.m.

April 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of loft house portfolio in Turku to Turku Student Village Foundation

134 apartments

March 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of residential property portfolio in Helsinki to Asunto-oy Kannelmäen Pientalot

34 terrace and loft houses

February 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of residential property portfolio in Petäjävesi to Petäjäveden Tähtiasunnot Oy


February 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of residential property portfolio in Muurame to Muuramen Vuokra-asunnot Oy

17 apartments

January 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of residential property portfolio in Turku to Turun ja Kaarinan seurakuntayhtymä

3 block of flats

January 2019, FINLAND

Valuation of an industrial property in Lahti to Teknoware

10,800 sq.m.

December 2018, FINLAND

Valuation of Stockmann Department Store (2014 - 18) in Helsinki to Stockmann

50,000 sq.m.

December 2018, FINLAND

Valuation of office and industrial portfolio (1989 - 2018) in Finland to Julius Tallberg-Kiinteistöt

109,000 sq.m.

December 2018, FINLAND

Valuation of property portfolio (2004 - 18) in Finland to Technopolis


December 2018, FINLAND

Valuation of property portfolio (2012 - 18) in Finland to Turun Teknologiakiinteistöt

96,000 sq.m.

December 2018, FINLAND

Valuation of an industrial, warehouse, retail and office properties (2006 - 18) in Helsinki Metropolitan area and Tampere to SaKa Hallikiinteistöt

150,000 sq.m.

December 2018, FINLAND

Valuation of real estate portfolio in Finland to Aberdeen Property Fund Finland I Ky

264,000 sq.m.

Kontaktieren Sie uns

Helsinki, Finland

Arja Lehtonen

Head of Valuation & Consulting
Telefon: +358 10 5220 300
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Arvid Lindqvist

Head of Research
Telefon: +46 8 463 33 04
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Helsinki, Finland

Pertti Raitio

Senior Advisor, MRICS
Telefon: +358 10 5220 308
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Turku, Finland

Mari Rouvali

Telefon: +358 10 5220 401
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Tampere, Finland

Leena Smeds

Senior Advisor, MRICS
Telefon: +358 10 5220 453
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Helsinki, Finland

Sini Vedenoja

Senior Advisor (on parental leave)
Telefon: +358 10 5220 304
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